Friday, December 27, 2013

99 Reasons Not To...

I have at least 99 reasons not to write a book and about 5 not to write this blog, but I am again forcing myself to do something that feels uncomfortable in order to grow from it!  WoooH what great mystic wisdom is this? Do something you DON'T want to do in order to GROW? WTH?

Many of you hear that life is full of difficult choices and maybe you've even heard you are not the first one to be disappointed.  Yeah, well as true as it is, it's not very comforting in the moment is it?  Because I want you to be the best person you can be and sooner than I did it, I pass on these wonderful tips in the form of sarcasm and witty, dry humor.  You'll have to try to keep up.  

Ok so, why does facing a fear, or doing something that makes you feel vulnerable help you grow? Well, it's actually quite simple really.  Let's take an easy example and say I am scared of birds, kinda a weird and slightly obnoxious fear, but many people still have this fear AKA : Ornithophobia.  

So, I can run scared every time I see a group of birds or I could get a pet bird and learn to love it.  The fear can continue or you can grow as a human being and stop needing attention called to a fear you have.  
So, which would you rather have attention for being a strong person who faces fear and loves living, or the cowardly lion running away from everything?  Seems like a no brainer to me.  I wanna grow up to be a strong person that people don't dismiss when I speak.  I don't know about you! 

I wrote a book called 99 Reasons Not To Write This Book.  It will be released in Jan. 2014! You should know I am asking every teen NOT to read this book. Please it's totally embarrassing!  

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