Sunday, December 29, 2013

Breaking the curse

I know, what a title huh? But have you ever wondered if indeed you were cursed.  Maybe one bad thing after another keeps happening to you and you just naturally begin to believe maybe even say "I think I have been cursed or something."  Well, let me shed a little light on your curse.  
"There is no curse or evil spell.  That's worse than one we give ourselves. There is no sorcerer as cruel, as the proud and angry fool.  And yet, we cry life isn't fair beneath our cries the truth is there.  The power that will break the spell, we should know very well Is locked within ourselves." -Ribaldi
So, what does that all mean really? It means that the only curse you have is your pride and ego.  When pride and ego get damaged you get angry.  Anger turns us into victims because it is an all consuming emotional coverup.  You know that person, the one that is always saying "that pisses me off, they piss me off, that makes me so mad"  This person is consumed by an emotional cover-up because they are too proud to experience real emotions.

This leads to the crying of life isn't fair and all the time the solution was within.  All a person need do is begin to feel gratitude.  Gosh this reminds me of another post I wrote.  Easy is anger, but happiness is something worth working for.  Just like a lie can be referred to as a black hole that eventually swallows it's creator, anger can literally do just the same.  The choice and solution are all within your control. 

If you haven't read my Gratitude blog yet, now would be a good time.  Remember, being anti everything is easy, try being PRO-Things! 

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